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How to Store Firewood

Storing firewood can be a tricky job, if you don't properly take care of your wood you can lose money and time. Properly storing firewood will not only extend its usable life but ensure you get the most heat out of the wood you burn. Follow these steps to successfully store firewood.

  • Choose a dry, open, elevated area with good airflow. Never store wood directly on the ground- as that will cause it to absorb moisture from the ground.
  • Build stacks of firewood, never more than four feet wide and three feet tall. Try to space larger logs out from each other in the stack so the air has an easier time circulating. Keep the wood at least ten inches away from your house and other buildings.
  • Protect the wood from rain or contact with the ground with a pallet or tarp. Overlap the tarp for extra protection and secure it in place with bricks or stakes if necessary.
  • Take steps to reduce pest infestations in the stack. Place the wood on a wire rack to keep bugs at bay and spray the stack with a natural insecticide occasionally.
  • Check the wood throughout the season to make sure it doesn't start to rot or become covered in pests.
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Storing Firewood Properly

With winter just around the corner, it's important to properly store firewood in order to keep it dry, intact and ready to use for cozy winter evenings. There are several key factors to take into account when storing firewood, from location to seasonality. Here's a guide to store firewood effectively.

Important Tips for Storing Firewood

  • Choose a location that is dry and sheltered from the elements.
  • Raise the wood off the ground to avoid contact with moisture. Use a pallet, shelf, dowels, or cinder blocks.
  • Store the wood on end with the bark side facing out. This will allow air to circulate and help dry the wood.
  • Space out the wood to make sure air can move freely between the pieces.
  • Cover the wood with a tarp or plastic sheeting to protect it from rain and snow.
  • If you can't store all the wood you have, use only the oldest wood first.
  • Check the wood periodically for mold, rot, and pests.

By keeping these simple tips in mind when storing firewood, you can say goodbye to those cold, damp winter nights and ensure that you're around a warm fire all season long.

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