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How to Make Homemade Bath Salts

Making your own bath salts can be a fun, easy project. Homemade bath salts make excellent gifts or spa treatments for yourself. Plus, you can add your own personal touch to each batch you make! All you'll need is a few common ingredients that are readily available and you'll be on your way to creating something luxurious and unique.


  • Epsom salts
  • Baking soda
  • Essential oils of your choice
  • Herbs or dried flower petals of your choice
  • A mixing bowl


  1. Test out different essential oils until you have the scent that you like. Use a regimen such as 3 drops of oil to 1/4 cup of salts as a guide.
  2. Mix all of the ingredients together in the bowl, and stir them until they are blended together.
  3. Pour the mixture into a jar or other container, and finish it off with a colorful ribbon, tag, or simply a label indicating the scent.
  4. Enjoy your amazing homemade bath salts!

Making your own bath salts allows you to have complete control over the scent, strength and ingredients used. Plus, you can customize the look of your container to suit your needs. An experience in bath salt-making can be incredibly rewarding, so why not give it a try and find out for yourself?