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Interpreting Candle Flame Meanings

If you’ve ever contemplated the flickering flame of a candle, you know it can be a powerful and mesmerizing experience. In many cultures, people have attributed meanings to the shapes and movements of candle flames, which can be explored to gain insight into the universe. Read on to learn the basics of candle flame readings and how to interpret their meanings.

What is Candle Flame Divination?

Candle divination, also known as ceromancy, is the practice of interpreting the shapes and movement of candle flames. This practice has been used for centuries by a variety of cultures, often for spiritual insight or to divine the future. Candle divination was, and still is, widely practiced in religions such as Wicca. It is also used to give spiritual guidance, to provide healing energies, or simply as a means of gaining insight.

How to Read Candle Flames

To gain insights from candle flames, begin by deciding what kind of information you’re seeking. Choose an appropriate setting such as a quiet room or a sacred space. Once you’ve lit your candle, focus on its flame, while staying mindful of its movements. Look for signs of what the flame might be trying to communicate to you.

Candle Flame Interpretations

Watch the flame for any unique behaviors and patterns and note what you witness. Here are a few possible interpretations:

  • A calm, steady flame can represent balance, peace, and harmony.
  • A small, flicker flame can symbolize doubts or fears.
  • A flickering flame can represent an unsettled or chaotic situation.
  • A large owl flame can indicate that something hidden is recently revealed.
  • A flame dancing in many different directions may indicate the presence of lots of spiritual energy.

How to Make the Most of Candle Flame Readings

In order to gain the most insight from them, commit your observations to writing. Afterward, take time to reflect and draw further interpretations from the meanings. Candle flame readings can serve as powerful portals to deeper knowledge and are an excellent way to gain insight into the world around you and within you.

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