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Mg$Cl_2$ ----> Mg + $Cl_2$

One mole of Mg$Cl_2$ , gives one mole of Magnesium , and one mole of Chlorine gas. In terms of mass , 95 g of Mg$Cl_2$ on decomposition gives 24 g of Magnesium, 71 g of Chlorine.

Mass percentage of Mg = (mass of Mg / mass of Mg$Cl_2$ ) x 100

mass percentage of Mg = ( 24 g / 95 g) x 100 = 25.26 %

Mass percentage of Cl = (mass of Cl / mass of Mg$Cl_2$ ) x 100

mass percentage of Cl = ( 71 g / 95 g) x 100 = 74.74 %

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