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And three molecules may be used as exemplars: $H_2O$; $NH_3$; and $HF$....and a special type of bond polarity, of charge separation operates......

For each molecule we could represent the dipoles, the charge separation this way: $stackrel(delta+)H-stackrel(delta-)O-stackrel(delta+)H$; $stackrel(delta-)Nstackrel(delta+)H_3$; $stackrel(delta+)H-stackrel(delta-)F$. In the bulk , the dipoles line up in solution, and in aggregate this constitutes a potent intermolecular force.

If you interrogate the boiling points of these molecules (and you should, because as a physical scientist always must consider the actual data), certainly you will find the boiling points anomalously high. Certainly they are high compared to homologous, $H_2S$, $PH_3$, and $HCl$ for which hydrogen bonding does not operate so strongly, and dispersion forces (as might be expected for larger, many electron, molecules) are not large enuff to compensate.

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