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So, you know that your atom contains

  • $16$ protons
  • $18$ neutrons
  • $16$ electrons

Right from the start, you know that you're indeed dealing with a neutral atom, since the number of protons it has in its nucleus is equal to the number of electrons it has surrounding its nucleus.

Now, an atom's , $Z$, tells you how many protons it has in its nucleus. Nothing more, nothing less.

In your case, you are told that the atom contains $16$ protons in its nucleus, which means that $Z$ will be equal to

$Z = 16$

A quick look in will reveal that you're dealing with an atom of sulfur, $"S"$.

An atom's , $A$, tells you how many protons and neutrons it contains in its nucleus. Since the number of protons is given by $Z$, you can say that

$A = Z + "no. of neutrons"$

In your case, the atom contains $18$ neutrons in its nucleus. This means that $A$ will be equal to

$A = 16 + 18 = 34$

Finally, focus on the atom's , which you know that must account for a total of $16$ electrons.

$"S: " 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^4$

Its , which uses the of neon, $"Ne"$, the noble gas that comes before sulfur in the periodic table, will look like this

$"S: " ["Ne"] 3s^2 3p^4$

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