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Alright so we know the formula for is $rho=m/v$
=> where $rho$ is the density with units of the derived components, $m$ is the mass, and $v$ is the volume.

We can rearrange this formula to get us the volume.

By doing so, we get $v=m/rho$. I got to this conclusion by using the "Triangle Method" - a diagram that provides an understand to how simple equations (multiply and divide) relate to one another.

I noticed that the density of the object is $4.0 g/(cm^3)$. That means that the derived components are the mass (in grams) and volume (in cubic centimetres).

Thus we have to convert the mass from $4 kg$ to grams. We can do this by multiplying the mass by $1000$. We get $4000 g$.

Now we can use the formula we rearranged and plug in the numbers to solve for the volume.




Therefore, the volume of the space that the object occupies is $1000cm^3$.

Hope this helps :)

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