
Before doing any calculation, try to predict what you should see happen to the of the gas.

Under the initial conditions for pressure and temperature, the oxygen gas had a density of

$color(blue)(rho = m/V)$

$rho = "1.42 g"/"1.00 L" = "1.42 g/L"$

Notice that temperature remains constant, but pressure increases. As you know, pressure and volume have an inverse relationship when temperature and number of moles of gas are kept constant - this is known as .

So, if pressure increases, that means that volume will decrease. Since the same mass of gas will now occupy a smaller volume, you can say that the density of the gas will increase.

Now let's prove this by doing some calculations. The equation that describes looks like this

$color(blue)(P_1V_1 = P_2V_2)" "$, where

$P_1$, $V_1$ - the pressure and volume of the gas at an initial state
$P_2$, $V_2$ - the pressure and volume of the gas at a final state

Plug in your values and solve for $V_2$ - do not forget to convert the pressure of the gas from mmHg to atm

$P_1V_1 = P_2V_2 implies V_2 = P_1/P_2 * V_1$

$V_2 = (760/760 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("atm"))))/(8.00color(red)(cancel(color(black)("atm")))) * "1.00 L" = "0.125 L"$

This time, the density of the sample will be

$rho = "1.42 g"/"0.125 L" = "11.36 g/L"$

I'll leave the answer rounded to three , despite the fact that you only have two sig figs for the initial pressure of the gas

$rho = color(green)("11.4 g/L")$