
Rh incompatibility exists when an Rh- mother conceives an Rh+ child (wherein the child receives the D antigen or Rh protein from the father). Generally this will still not pose a problem during gestation since blood from the baby does not usually enter the mother's bloodstream.

If, however, blood cells do cross over from the baby to the mother during pregnancy, labour or delivery, the mother's immune system will recognise it as foreign and mount an immunological response against it by producing anti-D antibodies which can cross the placenta and affect the baby.

There are several remedies available to prevent or to mitigate.the risks of Rh incompatibility.

  1. Since one of the effects is destruction of the baby's blood cells, post delivery blood transfusions and phototherapy (to counter the effects of the jaundice that results when the liver cannot handle the high rate of haemolysis) is an option.

  2. An injection of Rh immunoglobulins to 'immunise' the mother is another option.

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