
How to Write a Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Paragraph for Science

Knowing how to write a Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) paragraph can help you better understand scientific concepts. A CER paragraph helps to clearly explain the logic of your investigation and the evidence behind it. Here’s how to write a CER paragraph in a clear and concise manner:

  • Begin by stating your claim, which should be the main point you want to make about the scientific topic. Clearly explain the argument you are making and why.
  • Provide evidence to support your claim. This can include facts, data, experiments, or observations from accepted sources.
  • Support your evidence with reasoning, which is an explanation or explanation of the evidence. Explain why the evidence supports your claim.

Ultimately, a Claim, Evidence, Reasoning paragraph can help you make a strong case for your scientific argument. By following this simple structure, you can ensure that your argument is clear and convincing.