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Using "Respectively" in Your Writing

Using “respectively” in your writing can be an effective way to tie multiple corresponding items together in a clear and concise way. Respectively is a word used to describe the association of each item in a series of two or more items, and when used correctly, can help make your writing more precise.

When to Use “Respectively”

The use of “respectively” can be helpful in lists, charts, tables, and other types of data. When introducing a string of items, the word “respectively” is used to indicate that the listed items should be interpreted as having a 1-to-1 correspondence. For example, if a list is given as “Apples, Oranges, and Bananas”, these three items have no connection or relationship given. However, if the list is presented as “Apples, Oranges, and Bananas, respectively”, it connects the items with each other in a logical order, indicating that the first item, Apples, is connected to the first item of the second list, Oranges, and the second item of the first list, Oranges, is connected to the second item of the second list, Bananas.

Examples of Usage

Respectively can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

  • She wore a scarf and hat, respectively, to protect her from the cold.

  • In the United States, public schools are managed by the state and federal governments, respectively.

  • The morning coach carries 20 men and 15 women, respectively.

Tips for Using “Respectively”

When using “respectively”, it’s important to make sure that the two (or more) sets of items you are connecting have a logical connection. Additionally, make sure the order of items in each set follows the same order when paired with “respectively”. Here are a few tips when using “respectively”:

  • Clarity is key - make sure that the items in each set have a logical relationship when connected with “respectively”.

  • The order of items in each set should follow the same order when connected with “respectively”.

  • Be consistent - use “respectively” whenever introducing a series of associated items.

  • Make sure the items in each list have the same number of items.


Using “respectively” correctly can help to make your writing more clear and concise. By understanding when and how to use “respectively”, you can take your writing to the next level.

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