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Showing Paragraph Marks in InDesign

If you want to view the formatting markers of your document while working in InDesign, you can easily do so. Paragraph marks are visible changes or markers used to indicate formatting within a document that can have a significant impact on the way content is displayed. Activating these marks will make the marks visible, allowing you to better understand and edit the formatting of the document.

  1. Open the InDesign document you want toview the formatting markers in.
  2. Navigate to the main menu bar and click “Type”, then select “Show Hidden Characters” from the drop-down menu.
  3. A shortcut to this same step can also be done by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+* (on a Windows computer) or Cmd+SHIFT+* (on a Mac).
  4. Your paragraph marks will now be visible within your document.
  5. When you are finished viewing the marks, it is essential to deactivate them to avoid any potential confusion regarding the formatting of your documents.
  6. To deactivate these marks, select “Show Hidden Characters” again or press CTRL+SHIFT+* (on a Windows computer) or Cmd+SHIFT+* (on a Mac).
  7. Paragraph marks should now be hidden, returning you to your original document’s formatting.