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Tips for Working Overnight as a Single Parent

As a single parent, it can feel overwhelming when you need to work overnight shifts. Juggling childcare and your other responsibilities can take a lot of planning and foresight. Here are some tips to help make the transition smoother and to prioritize your needs and that of your child:


  • Set up childcare in advance that your child is comfortable with. It could be a relative, neighbor, or a professional caregiver.
  • If your work hours change from night to day, look into consistent and reliable daycare options.
  • If possible, establish a routine with your child for when you are away, such as the same bedtime every night.
  • If you have older children, establish a plan with them in regards to household responsibilities and any personal needs.

Self Care

  • Exercise and take breaks when you can. Also be sure to eat nutritious meals and get enough sleep.
  • Set aside time for yourself. Whether it’s setting up a movie night or taking a yoga class, find activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
  • If possible, set a regular schedule for your job. Reliable shifts can make continued childcare easier.
  • Find a supportive social network. Whether it’s a single parents group or your co-workers, it is helpful to talk about your experience with others in the same boat.
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