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Understanding Neurodivergence

Neurodivergence refers to the way a person’s neurological makeup and functioning differs from the majority. Under this term fall a variety of conditions, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Tourette Syndrome, and many more. This difference can manifest in a variety of symptoms, which may cause disruption in everyday life.

Potential Symptoms of Neurodivergence

Each condition associated with neurodivergence can have different symptoms, although they all follow a general trend of affecting various aspects of life. Potential symptoms may include difficulties with social interaction, emotional management, communication, executive functioning and organization patterns, sensory processing, and more. Neurodiversity can present differently from one person to another, and might sometimes take a long time to be properly identified.

Self-Care Strategies for Neurodiverging Individuals

Self-care is an essential part of managing neurodivergence, as it helps create a sense of control and empowerment. Here are some simple strategies that can help:

  • Recognize and challenge beliefs that discourage or limit your abilities.
  • Identify your unique needs and find ways to meet them.
  • Take regular breaks throughout the day.
  • Learn adaptive strategies to help manage executive functioning deficits.
  • Practice mindfulness strategies, such as deep breathing and progressive relaxation.
  • Try to stick to a consistent routine and structure to help manage impulsivity and anxiety.
  • Learn interventions to manage sensory and emotional overload.
  • Connect with support networks of fellow neurodivergent individuals.

Self-care is an ongoing process that can help with managing Neurodivergence, and there are many resources available to find tailored advice for your individual needs.

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