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How to Hide and Unhide Songs and Artists on Spotify

Spotify is an online streaming music service with a vast library of songs, podcasts, and videos. From the large selection of content available, you may sometimes want to hide certain songs and artists from appearing while using the service. Fortunately, Spotify makes hiding songs and artists easy. Here's how to do it.

Hiding Songs

To hide songs from appearing in search results and on your library page:

  • Open Spotify on your computer.
  • Search for the song you want to hide.
  • Right-click the name of the song.
  • Click "Hide (song title)" from the drop-down menu.

The song will now be hidden from all search results and your library page.

Hiding Artists

You can also hide entire artists from appearing in search results and on your library page:

  • Open Spotify on your computer.
  • Search for the artist you want to hide.
  • Right-click the artist's name.
  • Click "Hide (artist name)" from the drop-down menu.

The artist will now be hidden from all search results and your library page.

Unhiding Songs and Artists

If you accidentally hide a song or artist, or if you just change your mind, you can easily unhide them from being excluded from search and library results:

  • Open Spotify on your computer.
  • Click on "Settings" in the top-right corner of the window.
  • Click "Account" in the menu on the left side of the window.
  • Scroll down and click the "Show Advanced Settings" link.
  • Scroll down to the "Content Filters" section.
  • Click the "Hidden Content" button.
  • Select the song or artist you want to unhide.
  • Click the "Unhide" button.

The song or artist will now show up in search results and on your library page.