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How to type faster using Touch Typing

Using touch typing technique can drastically increase your typing speed, allowing you to finish your work faster and more effectively. Here are some steps you can take to learn and master touch typing:

  • Take a placement test. This gives you a starting point so you can gauge your progress.
  • Learn the basics of touch typing. Familiarize yourself with the keyboard, with the goal of staying in the home row without having to look down at it.
  • Practice consistently. A few minutes a day can make a big difference. Focus on specific letters that you may have trouble with.
  • Review your accuracy and speed. Track your progress by testing yourself regularly.
  • Maintain good posture. Sit up straight at the desk or table. Position the keyboard and monitor directly in front of you.

With practice you should be able to improve your typing speed and accuracy significantly. Besides helping you save time, touch typing can also reduce errors and lead to more consistent overall performance.

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