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Quitting Facebook Gracefully: Step-by-Step Instructions

There are several easy ways to gracefully quit using Facebook, while still allowing your family and friends to stay in touch with you and keep up with your news and activities. Follow these simple steps to ensure you have a clean and graceful Facebook quit.

Step One: Backup Your Data and Files

It’s important to download any posts, messages, photos, or videos that you have stored on Facebook, as once you delete your account, all this data will be lost forever. Begin by selecting ‘Settings’ and ‘Download a copy of your Facebook data’ from the menu.

Step Two: Delete Your Account

Under the ‘Settings’ tab, select ‘Manage your account’ and then click the link ‘Deactivate your account’. You’ll have to enter your password twice and click deactivate. This will only fully delete your Facebook account once the 14-day grace period is over, so don’t worry if your account still appears to be active.

Step Three: Stop Using Facebook Apps

If you’ve been using third-party Facebook apps or connected websites, you’ll need to disconnect or remove them before your account can be deleted. Go to ‘Settings’ in the drop-down menu in the top right corner, then ‘Apps and websites’. Here you’ll be able to manage all connected apps.

Step Four: Say Goodbye

In the event that you don’t want to delete your account permanently, you can always disable it for a certain amount of time. You can also set a status update to say goodbye to your friends on the platform.

Step Five: Check Your Settings

Make sure that you’ve disabled any settings which may link to your account, such as email notifications or other apps associated with your account. Go to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Apps and websites’ to check this.

Step Six: Uninstall the App

Once you’ve finished the steps above, you’re good to go and can delete the Facebook app from your device. This may vary depending on your device, but simply locate the app and then follow the on-screen instructions.