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How to Make a Girl Like You on Facebook

Do you want to make a great impression with a girl you like on Facebook? The key to succeeding is to put effort into getting to know her and make her feel special. Here are some tips to help you get noticed on Facebook.

Step 1: Get to Know Her

This is the most important step if you want to make a girl like you on Facebook. Take the time to learn who she is and what she’s interested in. Read her posts, look through her photos, and see which groups she follows.

Step 2: Engage and Interact

Once you start to get an idea of who she is, start engaging with her by liking her posts or leaving comments. This will show her that you’re interested and paying attention to what she’s talking about.

Step 3: Ask Her Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask her questions about topics she’s interested in. It’s a great way to start conversations and keep them going.

Step 4: Compliment Her

Everyone likes compliments and it’s a great way to show that you appreciate her. Compliments can be as simple as telling her she looks nice in a picture or saying you like one of her posts.

Step 5: Set Up a Date

Once you’ve established a good connection with her, why not suggest meeting up in person? That way you can get to know her in a more intimate setting.

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