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Wooing Her: How to Get the Girl You Like When She Knows You Like Her

The prospect of getting the girl you like when she knows you like her can be daunting. As the saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt, and you might feel like she's already seen through you. But don't give up! With the right steps, you can still make her swoon and get the girl you like.

Step One: Get to Know Her

Now that she knows you like her, your first step is to put that aside and focus on getting to know her as a person. Show her that you respect her thoughts and personality and that you value her as a person, not just someone you fancy. Ask her out for a non-date activity, like grabbing coffee or going to wings night at the pub. You can even try and look for mutual activities – like playing chess or exploring a new museum exhibit – to get to know her on a deeper level away from the romantic implications.

Step Two: Let Her Know You're Interested...Carefully

Chances are, if you've already expressed your interest in her,she knows that you're into her. Let her know that you know, too. Give her subtle compliments and let your body language do the talking. Stand slightly closer to her when you talk, and let your gaze linger every now and then. Give her time to process your feelings and to get comfortable with them, and make sure not to come across as too pushy too quickly.

Step Three: Show Her You're Interested Over Time

Now that she's been made aware of your affections, show her that you're interested through different channels. Become friends on social media, and engage with her posts in a meaningful way. Make an effort to meet up for activities, and bring her thoughtful gifts to let her know you care. She's sure to take notice of your efforts and will be more likely to reciprocate.

Step Four: Take Things Slow

Remember — you're trying to get the girl you like, not get into a committed relationship right away. Find out her boundaries and needs, and respect them. *Don't move too quickly if she's not into it. Enjoy your time together and leave the romance at a steady pace. Make sure your feelings are mutual by occasionally asking her how she feels about things and giving her space to process.

Step Five: Put Yourself Out There

Now that you know how to get the girl you like when she knows you like her, it's time to put yourself out there. Let your actions speak louder than words, and go for it. Be confident in yourself and your ability to make her see you in a new light. After all, you know you're the one for her and she needs to find out, too!

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