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Steps To Prewash Fabric

To protect fabric from shrinkage, ensure vibrant colors, and remove toxins, prewashing becomes an important step in preparation for any fabric project.

  1. Check the fabric bolt for any special instructions regarding washing or drying.
  2. Fill the washer with hot or cold water, depending on the fabric type.
  3. In a washer with a fabric softener drawer, add ¼ cup fabric softener to enhance softness.
  4. Put the fabric into the washer and set the washing cycle according to the fabric type.
  5. After the cycle is complete, allow the fabric to remain in the machine until it cools.
  6. Remove the fabric from the washer and either lay it out flat or hang it up to dry.
  7. When completely dry, iron the fabric according to the fabric type.

Prewashing fabric is now complete!

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