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Partitioning Your Thumb Drive

Creating multiple partitions on your thumb drive is an excellent way to keep your files organized. Doing so will allow you to store music, documents, movies, and any other files on different sections of the drive.

Steps for Partitioning Your Thumb Drive

  1. Format the drive. Go to the Windows Explorer, then right-click the drive and select "Format." Once the format window popup appears, select the NTFS (quick) option, and check the box labeled "Perform a quick format." Then click on "Start" and let it finish formatting the drive.
  2. Open Disk Management. Go to the Control Panel, then click on "Administrative Tools" and "Computer Management." Once the Computer Management Window opens, left-click "Disk Management." When Disk Management opens, it will automatically scan the drives and should show the thumb drive.
  3. Create the partition. Right-click on the icon for the drive and select "Shrink Volume," which will open the Shrink Volume Dialog box. Enter the amount of room, in GB, to shrink the drive by. Make sure you leave enough free space for the drive you plan to create. Click on the "Shrink" button and it will create the first partition.
  4. Create a second partition. On the Disk Management screen, the newly created partition should appear on the graphical diagram. Right-click on the new partition and select "Create Partition," which will open the Create Partition wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the new drive. After the second partition has been created, you will be able to access both partitions and store your files on them.
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