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Estimating Distances Using Your Thumb and Eyes

Everyone has two eyes and a thumb that can be used to estimate distance when markers are too far apart to measure accurately with a tape measure. Knowing how to estimate the distance between two points can be useful for a variety of tasks such as setting up tents and measuring yards on a football field. Here is how to estimate distances using your thumb and eyes:

  1. Choose a point that is more distant to you and closer to the other point you are trying to measure.
  2. Place your arm in a straight line, parallel to the ground, and hold your thumb up.
  3. Set your focus on the more distant point and attempt to position your thumb so that it covers it.
  4. Count each step you take until you reach the other end of the distance and note the number down.
  5. Assuming you are taking normal-sized steps, each step is an approximate measurement of one yard.

Keep in mind that this method is only an estimation and will likely vary depending on the size of the person's stride as well as how far away they are from their target point. Additionally, if the area is hilly, there may be irregularities in the terrain which can throw off your estimation.

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