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Stopping the Thumb-Sucking Habit

Thumb-sucking is a natural comforting behavior that can start as a newborn. While the habit is typically outgrown by the age of four, some children continue to suck their thumbs into their teenage years. If you want to kick the thumb-sucking habit, use these tips:

  • Identify when you're most likely to suck your thumb. Knowing when you're most likely to engage in the behavior can help you avoid those triggers.
  • Choose a healthy way to cope with difficult emotions. Create a "stress kit", and fill it with reminders of healthy ways to cope with stress like listening to music or playing sports or games outside.
  • Establish a reward system. Celebrate small successes on your way to kicking the thumb-sucking habit, and give yourself small rewards for achieving milestones.
  • Talk to someone about it. If the urge to suck your thumb persists, talk to someone you trust about your feelings. The support and guidance of a close friend or family member can be invaluable.
  • Get creative about preventing yourself from sucking your thumb. Wear a bracelet or other memento with a positive message written on it to remind yourself to keep your thumb away.

Learning how to break the habit will take time and effort, but with patience and support, you'll be able to kick the thumb-sucking habit.

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