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How to Make a Professional-Looking Wrestling Belt

Whether you want to make a championship belt for a wannabe wrestler or just to show off as a costume, making a wrestling belt is a fun and rewarding craft project. With some basic craft supplies, you will easily be able to make a professional-looking wrestling belt in no time.


  • Find your supplies. You'll need some card stock, paint, a glue gun, scissors or a cutting knife, a belt buckle and a strap or long piece of fabric. You can buy a premade leather strap, or you can make your own by cutting a thin piece of fabric.
  • Print out your belt design. Print out a template of your wrestling belt design and cut it out. You may even want to make multiple templates to give your belt multiple layers. You can download templates from various websites, or make your own.
  • Paint the card stock. Cut the card stock according to the templates you have printed out. Apply the paint and let it dry completely before continuing to the next step.
  • Glue the pieces together. Use the glue gun to glue the pieces together to form the belt. Make sure to glue the edges of the belt tightly together to ensure a professional-looking finish.
  • Attach the buckle. Attach the belt buckle to the strap using the glue gun. Make sure the strap is the right length before attaching the buckle.
  • Wear your belt. Put on your new wrestling belt and show it off! You can wear it as a costume or give it as a gift.
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