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How to Kill Dollar Weed

Dollar weed, also known as pennywort, is an invasive and difficult weed to get rid of. Fortunately, there are a few strategies you can use to get this weed under control and get your lawn looking its best again.

Step 1: Identify your Dollar Weed

Before beginning any kind of treatment plan, you'll need to be sure you are dealing with dollar weed and not a different type of weed. Dollar weed typically has a shallow, creeping root system and its leaves are typically round, which distinguishes it from other types of weeds.

Step 2: Apply Herbicides

Herbicides are a commonly used method for getting rid of dollar weed. Most herbicides sold in stores will mention dollar weed on the label, so be sure to read those carefully to make sure you are getting the right product. Spraying the weed with the herbicide will help kill the existing weeds and prevent new ones from growing.

Step 3: Multitask with Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal is a great way to combat dollar weed and is a natural and safe alternative to herbicides. This protein-rich product can be spread on top of your soil to prevent the weed from germinating and to keep existing weed from spreading. It also acts as a natural fertiliser which will help improve the health of your soil and grass.

Step 4: Implement Cultural Practices

Culture practices such as aerating the soil and watering deeply and infrequently can help bring your lawn back into balance and prevent dollar weed from taking hold. Aerating the soil will break up compacted areas and allow air and water to reach grass roots. Watering deeply and infrequently will give the grass the opportunity to develop deeper roots, which will be better able to compete with the dollar weed.

Step 5: Maintain Your Lawn

Once you have taken the steps needed to address the dollar weed problem, it is important to continue regular lawn maintenance to keep the weed at bay. This includes mowing regularly and using recommended fertilisers for your lawn type.

With these steps, you can get your lawn back into shape and protected from dollar weed.

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