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How to Remove Aquaphor Stains from Clothing

Aquaphor is a great product for healing cuts and scrapes, but it can be a pesky stain when it gets on clothing. Following the right steps can help you remove this often stubborn stain.

Step One: Scrape Off Excess Product

Using a spoon or other flat object, scrape off any excess Aquaphor that has seeped onto the fabric. This should be done before any stain removal efforts so the stain does not spread or become more intense.

Step Two: Blot with a Dry Towel

After scraping away the excess Aquaphor, blot the stain with a dry towel. This will help draw out the grease from the stain.

Step Three: Pretreat the Stain

Mix a few drops of liquid laundry detergent with a few tablespoons of water. Gently rub the pretreatment liquid into the Aquaphor stain. Wait at least 10 minutes before moving on.

Step Four: Wash as Normal

Launder the clothing in warm or cold water, using the regular laundry detergent. Allow the item to air-dry.

Step Five: Repeat as Needed

If the stain remains after washing and drying, repeat steps two through four.

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