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How to Care for a Spider Plant

Spider Plants are easy to care for and make a vibrant addition to any home or office. Read on to learn all the basics about spider plants and how you can give them the best care possible.


  1. Ensure your spider plant has plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. Spider plants thrive in locations that get about six hours of indirect sunlight a day.
  2. Water your spider plant regularly. Make sure the soil stays moist but not soggy, as spider plants don’t enjoy sitting in wet soil. Aim to water your spider plant every 7-10 days.
  3. Fertilise your spider plant every few months. Purchase a specific fertiliser for spider plants, and dilute it to half the prescribed strength before using it. Sprinkle the fertiliser around the plant in March, June, September and December
  4. Repot your spider plant every few years. As spider plants grow, they will need to be repotted in a larger pot. Typically a spider plant should need to be repotted every two to three years.
  5. Check for pests. Spider plants are relatively free of pests, but they are prone to mealybugs and mites. If you start noticing brown spots or webbing on your plant, that’s a sign of pests and you should move the plant to a separate area, and treat it with an insecticide.

By following these steps you’ll soon have a flourishing spider plant that is sure to bring color and vibrancy to your home.

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