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How to Plant & Care for Sunflowers in Containers

Bring some sunshine into your home with container-grown sunflowers! These cheerful plants can brighten up any living space and make a great conversation starter. Follow this guide for advice on how to grow and care for sunflowers in containers.


Start by gathering the necessary materials for planting:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Container with drainage
  • Potting soil
  • Fertilizer


  1. Fill the container about 2/3 with potting soil, making sure to leave enough room for the sunflower seed.
  2. Carefully sprinkle a single layer of sunflower seeds over the soil. Be sure to spread them uniformly, leaving about 2" between each seed.
  3. Lightly sprinkle fertilizer over the seeds.
  4. Gently press down the soil so that the seed and fertilizer have good contact with the soil.
  5. Sprinkle a layer of soil on top of the seeds to cover them.
  6. Water the container until water begins to flow from the bottom.
  7. Place the container in an area that gets full sun.


Sunflowers need plenty of bright sunlight and should be kept moist. Make sure to water the container whenever the soil begins to dry out. Once the plants reach about 8"- 10" in height, you can start fertilizing them with a liquid fertilizer every two weeks. As the flowers begin to open, it's best to leave them alone and let nature take its course.


Once the petals of the flowers begin to fade, it's time to harvest the seeds. Carefully remove the sunflower head and place it in a paper bag. Hang the bag in a cool, dry place and let the seeds dry for a few weeks. Once dry, remove the seeds from the head and store them in an airtight container. Enjoy the beautiful blooms and delicious sunflower seeds!

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