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How to Sew A Button on a Suit

Sewing a button to a suit may seem intimidating, but if you have the right supplies and understand the basics of mending, the process is actually quite simple. Follow the steps below for a fast, effective button repair!


  1. Gather your materials. You will need a needle, thread of a color that matches the suit, scissors, and a spare button.
  2. Thread the needle and knot the end so that it is secure. Determine where the new button should be sewn, making sure to choose a location that is even with the other buttons on the jacket.
  3. Holding the thread taut, make small stitches up and down through the fabric, piercing the fabric several times so that the new button is securely attached.
  4. Once the thread is entirely around the button, make several more stitches through the back of the fabric. This will ensure that the button is securely tied into place and won’t come undone.
  5. Cut off the excess thread, leaving a small tail to tuck into the fabric to avoid snagging.

With a few simple steps, you can give your suit a fast and effective button repair. Enjoy your newly mended outfit!

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How to Sew a Button on a Suit

At some point, you may need to sew a button to a suit. Here are some tips for getting the job done quickly and with the best results.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

  • Button
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors

Step 2: Thread the Needle

First, thread the needle with the thread, making sure to tie a knot at the end. Consider using thread that matches the color of the suit, or thread that is a similar color.

Step 3: Attach the Button

Place the button in the desired spot on the suit, and stitch the button in place with the needle and thread. You may find it helpful to wrap the thread around the part of the suit two or three times before sliding the needle through.

Step 4: Finish Sewing the Button

Once the needle is through, wrap the thread around the hole four or five times. To finish, slide the needle through the wrapped loop and pull tight. Cut off the excess thread and repeat these steps for additional buttons, as needed.

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How to Sew a Button on a Suit

Sewing a button on a suit doesn't have to be a difficult process. With the right tools and a few simple steps, you can easily replace a missing button and restore the appearance of your garment.

What You'll Need

  • Suitable replacement button
  • Thread (in a color that matches the suit)
  • Scissors
  • Needle


  1. Start by selecting a suitable replacement button for your suit. It should match the material, size, and color of the other buttons on your garment.
  2. Thread your needle and tie a knot at the end of the thread. Cut off any excess thread.
  3. Put the button in place on your garment, making sure it lines up with the other buttons. Push the needle through the bottom of the fabric and button.
  4. Wrap the thread around the two holes on the button to create loops. You can tie them in a knot for extra security. Push the needle underneath the loops and tie off at the back of the fabric and button
  5. Repeat the same process until the loop is secure. Make sure the loops are completely wrapped around the button.
  6. Cut off any excess thread and check for any loose threads. You're now done sewing the button in place!
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