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Gmail Tips & Tricks

Gmail can be used to easily manage your email and contacts, actions that are essential for many people's day-to-day activities. From configuring the settings to turbo-charging the way you use the platform to get things done, these Gmail tips and tricks will help you save time and get the most out of Google's powerful email platform.

Get to know Gmail's Interface

When you log into your Gmail account for the first time, it may all seem a bit overwhelming. But understanding the basics of how Gmail works and getting familiar with the applications features is a great way to make sure you are getting the most of the platform.

  • In the top left of the screen you will find an iconic Gmail logo: clicking this will expand and allow you to access all aspects of Gmail.
  • The left side of the screen will be where all of your settings, folders and labels are located making it very easy to find what you are looking for.
  • The central point on the screen is where you can view emails, compose emails as well as open attachments.
  • In the right-hand side, a variety of tabs will appear depending on which email you are looking at. Here you can find extras, such as a calendar, maps, notes, tasks, and more.

Customize Your Gmail Settings

The settings tab of Gmail is where you can make personalizations and adjust various aspects of your account, to suit your needs. Customizable features include:

  • Language and time-zone settings.
  • Creating folders and labels, to organize emails.
  • Changing the look and feel of the Gmail interface.
  • Controlling who can email you and managing email filters.
  • Configuring two-step authentication for extra security.
  • Configuring forwarding and backup emails settings.

Utilize Gmail's Keyboard Shortcuts

Once you're familiar with the interface, you should endeavor to maximize the amount of time you spend in the program. To make navigation of Gmail quicker and more efficient, consider utilizing the keyboard shortcuts available. Some of the most useful shortcuts are:

  • C to compose a new message.
  • / to focus on the search box.
  • J and K to move up and down a list.
  • G and I to switch between the inbox and important labels.
  • Shift + I to tag an email as important.
  • Y to archive an email.
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