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Hybridization is the process of mixing and aligning orbitals in form and energy, in which the redistribution of electronic densities is close to the energy of orbitals, and as a result they become equivalent. In the acetylene molecule is observed the sp mode of hybridization. sp-hybridization is a hybridization involving the atomic orbitals of one s and one p-electron. When a combination of one s- and one p-orbitals arises, there are two sp-hybridized orbitals. These two sp-hybridized orbitals placed symmetrically at a valence angle of 180°. Links formed with the participation of electrons of valence orbitals are also placed at an angle of 180° , which determines the linear form of the molecule. Examples of chemical compounds characterized by sp-hybridization: BeCl2, BeH2, CO, CO2, HCN, acetylene hydrocarbons and other organic compounds.
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