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The 60.0 g of mercury is 82.6% of mercuric sulfide, than the mass of all mercuric sulfide is 100%. The mass of mercuric sulfide (g) = (60.0g/82.6%)*100% = 72.6 g. Answer: The 72.6 g of mercuric sulfide can be prepared from 60.0 g of mercury. Special comment: I think that there is mistyping in the task because actually mercuric sulfide, HgS, contains 86.2% mercury by mass (not 82.6!) (M(HgS) = 200.59+32.06 = 232.65. %Hg = 200.59/232.65 = 86.2%) In such case correct solution would be like this: The mass of mercuric sulfide (g) = (60.0g/86.2%)*100% = 69.6 g. Please check the task once again and choose the correct option.
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