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(Hg = 200, O=16, 1 mole = 6.02×1023)

Balanced chemical equation:

2HgO(s) ⟶ 2Hg(l) + O2(g)

Calculate the moles of HgO:

The molar mass of HgO is (200 + 16) = 216 g/mol


(4.3 g HgO) × (1 mol HgO / 216 g HgO) = 0.0199 mol HgO = 0.02 mol HgO

According to stoichiometry:

2 mol of HgO produces 2 mol of Hg

Thus, 0.02 mol of HgO produces:

(0.02 mol HgO) × (2 mol Hg / 2 mol HgO) = 0.02 mol Hg

Calculate the mass og Hg:

The molar mass of Hg is 200 g/mol


(0.02 mol Hg) × (200 g Hg / 1 mol Hg) = 4.0 g Hg

Calculate the number of molecules:

(0.02 mol Hg) × (6.02×1023 molecules / 1 mol) = 1.2×1022 Hg molecules


4.0 grams of mercury (Hg) will be produced.

1.2×1022 Hg molecules will be produced.

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