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2 ppm is 2 micro;g/ml, 4 ppm is 4 micro;g/ml, etc. You can take standard of iron with concentration, for example, 10 mg/L. From this solution you extract 20 ml and dilute them with 80 ml of water. And you will prepare 100 ml of standard with concentration 2 ppm. For 4 ppm you take 40 ml and dilute with 60 ml of water. For 6 ppm you take 60 ml of 10 mg/L solution and add 40 ml of water. For 8 ppm you take 80 ml and add 20 ml of water. And for 10 ppm you just take your initial solution with 10 mg/L. You can prepare initial solution by dissolving 1,27 g of FeCl2, in 1 L of water.
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