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•     Binding Energy: The amount of energy released when a nucleus is formed from its components.•        Mass defect ΔM = Z*Mp + N*Mn-MAZ= Atomic no., N= No. of neutrons Mp = Mass of proton, Mn = Mass of neutron,MA= Atomic Mass

Binding Energy = ΔMc2 = ΔM * 931.5 MeV

Binding Energy Per Nucleon = ΔMc2 = (ΔM * 931.5 MeV)/ (no. of protons + no. of neutrons)

Here ΔM can be calculated from above equation as:

Z=26, N=30, Mp=1.0078 u, MN= 1.0086 u. ΔM = 26(1.0078) +30(1.0086)-55.9349ΔM = 0.5259 u

Binding Energy= ΔMc2 = 0.5259 * 931.5 MeV = 489.87 MeV

Binding Energy Per Nucleon = (489.87)/56 = 8.74 MeV 

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