
Old $"Dalton's Law of partial pressures"$ tells us that in a gaseous mixture, the exerted by a component gas is the same as the pressure it would exert if it ALONE occupied the container.

The total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures.

Thus $P_"Total"=P_(NO_2)+P_(N_2)=600*mm*Hg$

But $P_(NO_2)=(1.0*molxxRT)/V$

And $P_(N_2)=(0.50*molxxRT)/V=1/2xxP_(NO_2)$

And so $P_"Total"=600*mm*Hg=3/2xxP_(NO_2)$

And finally, $P_(NO_2)=400*mm*Hg$, and $P_(N_2)=200*mm*Hg$; the which satisfies Dalton's Law....

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