
The van der Waals (vdW) volume correction and pressure correction terms in

$P = (RT)/(barV - b) - a/(barV^2)$


$barV_"corr" = barV - b$

$P_"corr" = a/(barV^2)$

where $barV = V/n$ is the molar volume, $a$ is the vdW term for intermolecular forces, and $b$ is the vdW term for excluded volume of a non-point-mass particle.


$barV_"corr" = "1 L"/(4.4 cancel"g" cdot "1 mol"/(44.01 cancel("g CO"_2))) - "0.04 L"/"mol"$

$= ul"9.96 L/mol"$

$P_"corr" = (3.6 cancel("L"^2)cdot"atm"/cancel("mol"^2))/([1 cancel"L"//4.4 cancel"g" cdot cancel"1 mol"/(44.01 cancel("g CO"_2))]^2)$

$=$ $ul"0.360 atm"$

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