
The equation for the formation of coal gas is

$"2C(s)" + "2H"_2"O(g)" → "CH"_4("g") + "CO"_2("g")$

This is our target equation. We must create it from equations (1) - (3).

We start with Equation (1), because it contains $"C(s)"$. We also multiply it by 2 to get $"2C(s)"$. Then we add the other equations to eliminate compounds like $"CO and H"_2$ that are not in our target equation:

2 × (3): $"2C(s)" + "2H"_2"O(g)" → color(red)(cancel(color(black)("2CO(g)"))) + color(blue)(cancel(color(black)("2H"_2"(g)"))); color(white)(mll)ΔH = color(white)(l)"262.6 kJ"$
(2): $color(red)(cancel(color(black)("CO(g)"))) + color(orange)(cancel(color(black)("H"_2"O(g)"))) → "CO"_2("g") + color(blue)(cancel(color(black)("H"_2("g"))));color(white)(mmm) ΔH =color(white)(ll) "-41.2 kJ "$
-(1): $color(red)(cancel(color(black)("CO(g)"))) + color(blue)(cancel(color(black)("3H"_2"(g)"))) → "CH"_4("g") + color(orange)(cancel(color(black)("H"_2"O(g)"))) ; color(white)(mml)ΔH =color(white)(l) "-206.1 J"$
(4): $stackrel(——————————————————)("2C(s)" + "2H"_2"O(g)" → "CH"_4("g") + "CO"_2("g"));color(white)(mmmll) stackrel(———————)(ΔH = "+15.3 kJ")$

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