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And for this process we use the ,


......where $R="the Rydberg constant,"$ $1.097 xx 10^7 *m^(−1);$

$n_1=2, n_2=5$........



And thus $lambda=8.90xx10^-8*m$, if I have done my arithmetic correctly, and I would check it!

Now since we deal with the electromagnetic spectrum,

$c=nuxxlambda$, and thus ................


And note that we get an answer in $s^-1$, which is appropriate for a frequency.

So we gots $"wavelength"$, and $"frequency"$, we need to find the energy in $kJ*mol^-1$. We use the old Planck relationship, i.e. $epsilon=hnu$, where $h=6.626xx10^(-34)*J *s=2.23xx10^-18*J$ for a SINGLE PHOTON.

Bu we gots a mole of photons......and thus...



Again you should check my calculations: $"all care taken, but no responsibility admitted."$

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