
When a $3.0*g$ mass of carbon is burnt in an $8.0*g$ mass of dioxygen, the carbon and the oxygen are stoichiometrically equivalent. Of course, the combustion reaction proceeds according to the following reaction:

$C(s) + O_2(g) rarr CO_2(g)$

When a $3.0*g$ mass of carbon is burnt in an $50.0*g$ mass of dioxygen, the oxygen is present in stoichiometric excess. The $42.0*g$ excess of dioxygen is along for the ride.

The law of conservation of mass, $"garbage in equals garbage out"$, applies for both examples.

Most of the time, in coal-fired generators, and certainly in the internal combustion engine, carbon oxidation is incomplete, and $CO$ gas and particulate carbon as soot, are products with $CO_2$.


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