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The modern chemical bond is conceived to be a region of high electron between 2 positively charged atomic nuclei, such that internuclear is repulsion is negated, and a net attractive force results. The idea can be extended to multiple , where electron density is concentrated in planes NORMAL to the $"atom-atom vector"$, but which still allows nuclear/electronic interaction.

So let's look at the bond dissociation energies. As chemists, as physical scientists, we must examine the data:

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And representative values for $C-C$ bond lengths for $H_3C-CH_3$, $H_2C=CH_2$, and $H_3C-=CH_3$ are $1.54xx10^-10*m$, $1.34xx10^-10*m$, and $1.21xx10^-10*m$.

And $C-C$ bond energies:

$C-C:$, $84*kcal*mol^-1$;

$C=C$, $150*kcal*mol^-1$;

$C-=C$, $200*kcal*mol^-1$;

Are these data consistent with the argument just proposed?

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