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Well, five of them are gases, one a liquid, and one a solid at $25^@ "C"$ and $"1 atm"$. But if you mean which ones actually are found as such,

  • $"N"_2$ and $"O"_2$ are found in the air ($78%//21%$), as we know.
  • Most hydrogen on Earth is found in compounds (e.g. water), and in its atomic or plasma form, although .
  • Fluorine is typically found in minerals as the fluoride anion, such as $"CaF"_2$. Supposedly,
  • Chlorine is typically found in nature.
  • Bromine is typically found also , i.e. $"NaBr"$, etc.
  • Iodine as iodate or iodide, but never $"I"_2$.

The five gases are $"H"_2$, $"N"_2$, $"O"_2$, $"F"_2$, and $"Cl"_2$, while the liquid is $"Br"_2$ and the solid is $"I"_2$. To prove it, here are their respective boiling points at $"1 atm"$:

$T_b(H_2) = -252.9^@ "C"$
$T_b(N_2) = -195.8^@ "C"$
$T_b(O_2) = -183.0^@ "C"$
$T_b(F_2) = -188.1^@ "C"$
$T_b(Cl_2) = -34.04^@ "C"$
$T_b(Br_2) = 58.00^@ "C"$
$T_b(I_2) = 184.2^@ "C"$

You should be able to say why these show that the molecule is a gas, liquid, or solid at room temperature, i.e. for which of these is $T_b > 25^@ "C"$ (if so, we have a liquid), etc.

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