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The atomic mass is the weighted average of the atomic masses of each isotope.

In a weighted average, we multiply each value by a number representing its relative importance.

In this problem, the fractional abundance represents the relative importance of each isotope.

Here's how to do the calculation:

$bb"Atomic Mass/u" color(white)(m)bb"Fractional abundance" color(white)(m)bb"Contribution/u"$
$color(white)(mml)38.964color(white)(mmmmmm) 0.9326color(white)(mmmmmmmmmmm) 36.338$
$color(white)(mml)39.964color(white)(mmmmmm)1.000 × 10^"-4"color(white)(mmmmmmmmll)"0.003 996"$
$color(white)(mml)40.962 color(white)(mmmmmm) 0.0673color(white)(mmmmmmmmmmml)2.7567$
$color(white)(mmmmmmmmmmmmmm)"Atomic mass = " color(white)(mmm) stackrel(———)(39.10)$

The atomic mass of the element is 39.10 u.

The element is potassium.

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