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The differences among metals, non metals and metalloids are not so clear as one could think, though the metallic properties increase going from the top to the bottom of the group.

If nitrogen and phosphorus are securely non metals, you can find aresenic, antimony and bismuth both in the metals both in the non metals.

Arsenic forms many acids like $H_3AsO_3 or H_3AsO_4 $ but you can find also $As^(3+)$ in the search of cations, and it forms salt as $As_2S_3$. Similiar is the behaviour of antimony.

It forms salt as cation but also as anion $ Sb(OH)_4^-$ or $Sb(OH)_6^-$.

Also Bismuth may be $Bi^(3+)$ but also $BiO_2^- $ or $BiO_3^-$

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