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First, let's find the volume of the spherical object.

The formula for the volume of a sphere is:

$Rightarrow V = frac(4)(3) pi r^(3)$

$Rightarrow V = frac(4)(3) cdot pi cdot 28.9^(3)$ $"cm"^(3)$

$Rightarrow V = frac(4 pi)(3) cdot 24,137.6$ $"cm"^(3)$

$therefore V = 101,107.2$ $"cm"^(3)$

Then, let's find the mass of the spherical object.

The formula for is:

$Rightarrow "Density" = frac("mass")("volume")$

Let's express it in terms of $"mass"$:

$Rightarrow "Mass" = "density"$ $cdot$ $"volume"$

$Rightarrow "Mass" = 3.52$ $"g/cm"^(3)$ $cdot$ $101,107.2$ $"cm"^(3)$

$Rightarrow "Mass" = 355,897.3$ $"g"$

$Rightarrow "Mass" = 355,897.3 times 10^(- 3)$ $"kg"$

$therefore "Mass" = 355.9$ $"kg"$

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