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Mass is measured in $"kg"$, volume in $"m"^3$ and mass density in $"kg"$ $"m"^-3$.

The formula for density is given by the following equation:

$rho=m/V$ where $rho$ is the density, $m$ is the mass and $V$ is the volume.

It is possible for two substances to have equal volumes but different masses, depending on their densities. Take water. for example, which has a mass of $1000$ $"kg"$ $"m"^3$. In one $"m"^3$, we would have $1000$ $"kg"$ of it. Now take something that's more dense at $1200$ $"kg"$ $"m"^3$. In one $"m"^3$, we would have $1200$ $"kg"$ of it.

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