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well, each sense has a certain function, as you need it for different things you do in life, the loss of any sense leaves a person vulnerable to dangers of the surrounding environment. Most people find that the loss of sight is the " terrible tragedy" and that is why it is most probably the most important sense. However, it is closely rivaled to touch, now don't misunderstand touch most people think of it as how you identify texture of an object or if it is hot or cold, but the fact is that touch accounts for many other "sub-senses" if you will such as heat(hot or cold), pressure and most importantly Pain if you lose the sense of pain you no longer are aware of any injury minor or major. Now the other three I feel in my opinion are less important, so thirdly hearing imagine someone went into a room and tried calling your name but you can't hear and then he/she touches you on the shoulder, now if you are a person who gets scared easily you will die from a heart attack. Smell and taste are linked as 80% of your taste comes from smell so you will lose the flavor of food and drinks which I think you can live with, if it was compared to the other three.
so I(my opinion) would rank them as Sight>Touch>Hearing>smell and taste.