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How to Add a Second Set of Data to an Excel Graph

Excel graphing is a powerful tool used to visualize data. By adding a second set of data to an existing Excel graph, you can create a side-by-side comparison or combine different data sets into one chart. Here’s a quick guide on how to add a second set of data to an Excel graph:

  1. Open the Excel spreadsheet containing your graph and data.
  2. Select the data series you want to add to the graph. If the data is already on the same graph sheet, you can also select the series directly from the graph.
  3. Right-click the graph and select 'Add Data'.
  4. You should see your selected data series appear in the 'Legend Entries (Series)' list.
  5. Click 'OK' to finish.

Your Excel graph should now show both sets of data. You may need to adjust the settings, such as font size and colors, to make the graph more readable.

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