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How to Turn Off AirPlay

AirPlay is a great way to easily share audio and video content from one device to another. However, when it’s time to turn off AirPlay, it can be challenging to figure out which device needs to be adjusted. To help make it simpler, here’s a step-by-step guide to successfully disable AirPlay.


  1. On your Apple device, navigate to the "Settings" app and then select the "AirPlay & Home" button.
  2. Under the AirPlay list, select the device you want to turn off AirPlay for. If you want to stop audio streaming, select the speaker icon. If you want to stop video streaming, select the TV icon.
  3. The chosen device should now be geo-locating and a menu will appear with the device name. Toggle the switch off.

Additional Tips

  • Keep in mind that AirPlay goes through your internet connection so if your device is connected to different networks you will have to turn it off manually in each.
  • It is also recommended to update all of your Apple products to the latest version for optimal security and performance.
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