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What is Trench Foot?

Trench foot is a disorder that is caused by prolonged exposure of the feet to damp, cold, and unsanitary conditions. It can occur from standing in one spot for too long without water resistant protection, or during conditions in which water or mud cannot be removed. It can also be caused by poor hygiene combined with moisture.

Causes of Trench Foot

  • Exposure to damp, wet, and/or unsanitary conditions
  • No means to change, dry, or care for the feet
  • Cold temperatures
  • Lack of blood circulation due to tight, ill-fitting footwear or constricting bands
  • Poor hygiene

Home Remedies for Trench Foot

  • Elevate feet to improve circulation and reduce swelling
  • Keep feet dry, and wear waterproof boots in damp or wet conditions
  • Wear protective, absorbent sock liners
  • Change foot coverings, socks, or boots frequently
  • Wash feet regularly and treat with antiseptic solutions to protect against possible infection
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